

时间:2019-03-19 阅读量:2 来源:浙江大学爱丁堡大学联合学院

主题: Understanding the non-genetic heterogeneity during cell fate decision.

主讲人: 梁洪青博士

研究概述:Non-genetic heterogeneity is an indispensable feature of the biological system arising from the quantitative variation in signalling strength, enzymatic activity, transcription level or even cell cycle progression. They are the causes of cell state variation in a phenotypically identical population, and may render individual cells to have different responses with the same stimuli. We are interested in dissecting how such variation can lead to diversified fates when cells encounter cell cycle stresses or differentiation clues. From this angle, we hope to better understand the panorama of cellular signalling or regulatory network, thus harnessing the power to engineer cell towards the desired fates.


地点:国际校区爱丁堡大楼, A203
