

时间:2023-01-11 阅读量:6 来源:浙江大学爱丁堡大学联合学院

关于 ZJE








细胞生物学Cellular Biology

干细胞生物学Stem Cell Biology

系统生物学Systems Biology

癌症、免疫和感染Cancer, Immunology and Infection











1. 申请条件








2. 限项要求


3. 资助模式









About ZJE

The Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJU-UoE Institute/ZJE) is a collaboration in the field of Biomedical Sciences between Zhejiang University (2022 QS Ranking: 42) in China and The University of Edinburgh (2022 QS Ranking: 15) in Scotland, United Kingdom. Building on the existing strengths of both, ZJE aims to foster collaborations in teaching and research, explore interdisciplinary research, and be committed to frontier basic and applied research in life sciences. As of 30th December 2022, ZJE has two dual degree undergraduate programmes and 7 postgraduate programmes. There are 488 undergraduates and 185 Postgraduate students.

ZJE Research Building is about 10,000 square meters. An accumulated investment of more than RMB 40 million has been put into teaching laboratory infrastructure, core facility and laboratory animal facility construction, which gives a strong support for research. The core facility is composed of FACS core, imaging core, histology core, biochemistry core and bioinformatics core. Each core is guided by PIs and managed and maintained by skillful technicians. The animal facility is 1492 square meters that can house up to 8000 cages of mice.

Haining, where ZJE is located, is at the heartland of Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, 100 km to the west of Shanghai and 60 km to the east of Hangzhou (30 mins by inter-city train). With over 3,000 years of history, Haining is rich with culture heritage, and bounds in historic figures and natural beauties. The Haining Tide is famous throughout the world.

Research Directions

ZJE has established research centers with focused 4 research directions (Cellular Biology, Stem Cell Biology, System Biology, Cancer Biology, Immunology and Infections) to facilitate undergraduate research training and graduate teaching, and encourage scientific discussion, collaboration, seminars within each research center. Individuals whose research interest lies in the above fields are welcome to apply. Individuals with experience of antimicrobial drug resistance and cell biology (single-cell RNA sequencing genomics, epigenomics, spatial omics, proteomics and imaging to achieve multimodal measurements of individual cellular phenotypes and genotype) are especially welcome. 

About NSFC Fund

Program Introduction

The Science Fund Program for Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Overseas) aims to attract and encourage outstanding young scholars from overseas (including foreign scholars) who have made achievements in natural science, engineering and technology to carry out innovative research in their own choice of research direction in China.


1. Funding: RMB 1-3 million.

2. Duration of funding: 3 years.


1. Compliance with the laws and regulations of China; having good research ethics, and being good practitioner of the spirit of science.

2. Born after Jan 1. 1983 (inclusive).

3. A PhD degree in relevant areas.

4. Research in the field of life science, engineering and information etc.

5.Having obtained a formal teaching or research position in an overseas university, research institution, or corporate R&D institution, and worked for more than 36 consecutive months by March 15, 2023. For those who have obtained a PhD degree overseas and have particularly outstanding performance, the limitation of work experience may be appropriately relaxed.

6.Having obtained achievements of research or technology recognized by peer experts and having the potential to become an academic leader or outstanding talent in related field.

ZJE Remuneration and Benefits

1. Salary: RMB 500,000+ of annual salary, commensurate with qualifications

2. Position: Tenure-track faculty position at Zhejiang University; Adjunct faculty position at the University of Edinburgh

3. Research Support: Competitive start-up fund, enough laboratory and office space, and strong support for allocation of postgraduate students

4. Relocation: Allowance available, rental of fully furnished apartment and purchase of an on-campus Hainashire apartment/townhouse

How to Apply

Please send your full CV to the HR administrator (listed below) by 15th February, 2023, and quote “Apply for NSFC Fund”. We will contact the eligible applicants in due course.

Ms. Xinyi (Ajda) YANG

Email: xinyiyang@intl.zju.edu.cn

Tel: +86-(0)571-8757-2816