两所百年名校,联合办学四载。我们的故事从头开始…… 1583,你在苏格兰诞生;1897,我于西子湖畔起航。In 1583, you were born in Scotland;In 1897, I set sail on the West Lake.左:求是书院,20世纪初Left: Qiushi Academy, the early 20th Century右:爱丁堡大学Old College,18世纪初Right: Old College, The University of Edinburgh, the early 18th Century 世界大战后,你在伤痛中崛起;文军长征,将我铸就“东方剑桥”。After World War, you rose in pain; Meanwhile, a long march made me “Cambridge of the East”. 左:浙江大学湄潭办学时期Left: Zhejiang University in Meitan右:爱丁堡大学 Old Medical School BuildingRight: University of Edinburgh, Old Medical School Building 你有梅藤根助我兴办医院;我有程开甲远渡重洋求学。Dr. David Duncan Main from UoE helped me set up the hospital.Academician Kaijia CHENG graduated from ZJU and came to you to further Ph.D study.左:程开甲院士1941年毕业于浙江大学物理系。1948年获英国爱丁堡大学哲学博士学位。Left: Academician Kaijia CHENG graduated from the Department of Physics, Zhejiang University in 1941 and received his Ph.D. degree from Edinburgh University in 1948.右:爱丁堡大学校友梅藤根创办了杭州广济医院(浙医二院前身)Right: Dr. David Duncan Main, an alumnus of Edinburgh University, founded Guangji Hospital in Hangzhou (the predecessor of the SAHZU). 2012年,你我相遇西子湖畔,亚洲首设生物医学专业。In 2012, you and I met nearby the West Lake. Asia’s first biomedical programme was established. 2015.5.20 你我共同约定,合作建设联合学院。On 20th May, 2015,You and I agreed to work together to build a joint institute.浙江大学爱丁堡大学联合学院启动仪式Signing Ceremony of ZJU-UoE Institute 从此,我们携手,迎来了届届学子。From then on, we joined hands to usher in continuing students.在读三届学生Current Students of 3 years 并肩走过的四年我们一同在图书馆学习,在浩瀚的学海中徜徉。For four yearsWe have walked side by side, studied together in the library, and immersed ourselves in learning. 在实验室里,我们都为亲自探索的全新世界心动不已。In the lab, we are all excited about the new world we are exploring. 课上课下,我们总有许多外星人一般的新奇思想互相碰撞。In and after class, we always have interchange of many original ideas. 我们都是爱笑爱闹的少年,We are all pleasant and playful youngsters.也愿意安静地陪伴在彼此身边。And we are willing to be with each other without words. 我们之间还有许多悄悄话要讲,We have a lot to whisper between us. 我们要一起,定格最青春的美好。Let us together seize the beautiful youth. 我们要牵手,走向星辰和大海的征途。We will hold our hands and embark upon the journey to stars and the Sea.左:浙江大学国际校区,ZJE大楼Left: ZJE Building, International Campus of Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学Old CollegeRight: Old College, The University of Edinburgh 一万公里的距离无法阻止我们的相知相伴,A distance of 10,000 kilometers does not hold back our acquaintance and company. 我们可以一同感受明媚的天和温柔的风。We can enjoy the bright sky and the gentle wind together.左:浙江大学国际校区,ZJE大楼Left: ZJE Building, International Campus of Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学, 医学院Right: Medical College, The University of Edinburgh 可以约定一起淋一场浪漫的樱花雨,We can enjoy a romantic cherry blossom together.左:浙江大学国际校区,学术大讲堂Left: Auditorium, International Campus of Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学, MeadowsRight: Meadows, The University of Edinburgh 可以在日落月升里畅想未来与梦想。We can ponder about the future and dreams under the Sun and the Moon.左:浙江大学国际校区,教师俱乐部Left: Faculty Club, International Campus of Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学, MeadowsRight: Meadows, The University of Edinburgh左:浙江大学国际校区,钟楼Left: Bell Tower, International Campus of Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学, Old CollegeRight: Old College, The University of Edinburgh 塔楼盛满了我们互相眺望的时光,The towers witness the time when we look out to each other.左:浙江大学国际校区,钟楼Left: Bell Tower, International Campus of Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学GS校区, David Hume TowerRight: David Hume Tower, GS Campus of The University of Edinburgh 校园记录着我们并肩前行时的汗水和光芒。The campuses record the time when we sweat and shine as we move forward. 左:浙江大学国际校区,图书馆Left: Library, International Campus of Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学GS校区, McEwan hallRight: McEwan hall, GS Campus, The University of Edinburgh 牵手八年,成果惊艳骄傲,世界名校全奖offer纷纷而至;欣喜,在读学生才华锋芒渐渐展露。In 8 years of collaboration, we’ve got impressive achievement.Undergraduate were enrolled into top Universities with full scholarship.阅读演讲,创新思辨,科研实践,未来足迹遍布世界。The current students get good command at English and wild horizon.Reading and presenting, innovating and thinking, researching and practising, they are encouraged to explore the world.左:浙江大学文凭证书Left: Certificate from Zhejiang University右:爱丁堡大学文凭证书Right: Certificate from University of Edinburgh 我们相伴的时间不短,我们的未来还有很长。We have been together for long, and we have a far journey to the future.我们定会铭记约定,砥砺同行怀揣爱与希望共建生物医学的美好明天We will keep our promise and encourage each other along the way.We will pursue with love and hope.We will build a brighter future of Biomedical Science.