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As a part of a big push for internationalization at Zhejiang University, the International Campus sent out representative to attend the annual Go Abroad fair in Utrecht from 25-26 Nov at the Utrecht Expo in Netherlands.

The followed are these days pictures and stories.


23th Nov.

The team of staff and faculty from both ZJU-UIUC Institute and ZJU-UoE Instittute landed in Amsterdam Airport and took a train to the beautiful town of Utrecht.


24th Nov.

The team decorated their booth with pull up banners, brochures and photos from the International Campus.


25th Nov.

The day started off slowly, but as it got closer to noon time, the exhibition hall became packed with students. Those coming to the exhibition are Dutch high school and universities students; mostly coming to the exhibition with their friends and family to find out what opportunities there are for studying outside of the Netherlands and European Union.



Zale Cao and Prof Stijn Vanderveen getting ready to answer questions for eager students.

While we represented the two joint institute programmes froom Zhejiang University's International Campus, many students expressed strong interests in the medical programme and also social sciences and business courses.

We are pleasantly surprised at how many Dutch students are interested in China and Chinese culture and are very excited about the opportunity to study in China!


26th Nov.

The second day of the exhibition was just as busy as the first day with many students coming up to ask about our programmes.

Amongst those who approached us, most are interested in short term and year-long exchanges in China. However, we are very hopeful that in the near future, many students will be eager to come to China for longer degree programmes.





27th Nov.

On Sunday 27th Nov., the team left Utrecht early in the morning and headed back to Schiphol Airport via Amsterdam Central Station.


It was a very successful trip! We met lots of excited students and managed to let more people know about the possibility of studying in China. While there is still a long way to go both in terms of improving the quality of our higher education and also spreading the word about Chinese universities, we are excited for what lies ahead for Chinese higher education in the next 10 years!