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ZJE students showed off their presenting skills yesterday with a grand poster presentation. The annual poster day forms a section of the assessments for the ‘Global Challenges’ course, part of the BSc Integrative Biomedical Sciences programme. It provides students with a key opportunity to present their research to an audience of their peers, ZJE staff, and academic staff.

students gathered together discussing their posters


Professor discussing a poster with a student


student showing their poster

The Global Challenges course tested students to question the nature of the challenges that are faced by nations today, how they have arisen, how they may be mitigated and how scientific inquiry can contribute to that process. The primary focus was on the wide-ranging themes that are pertinent to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including energy, health, environment, and society.

students discussing poster with a Postdoctoral staff member


students discussing their poster design

67 students worked in 17 groups to present a poster investigating one theme. The event started with a short reception where staff and students were able to discuss their posters freely and receive feedback from senior staff.

Each group was then asked to present their poster more privately to a team of markers.

Students showing their poster to Prof Sue


students discussing their poster design together

Prof. Josh Jones, Course Organiser said: "Global Challenges is a unique interdisciplinary first-year course that aims to offer students the opportunity to develop a selection of key academic skills that will be invaluable in later years of the course and beyond. One of these key skills is the preparation and presentation of academic posters, used by academics to clearly and succinctly explain their work to others. By offering our students the opportunity to design and present a poster we hope that their skills in research, teamwork, poster design and presentation will grow. I am pleased to say that this certainly seems to be the case, judging by the extremely high standard of work on display at our recent poster presentation evening."

The poster presentation day marks the beginning of the exam cycle for students, who will be completing assessments over the next three weeks until the end of the term.

The Institute holds open public lectures for the Global Challenges course each year.