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ZJE Biomedical Seminar Series-2


Title:Computational modelling of processes underlying learning and memory


Speaker: Dr. Melanie I. Stefan

Dr. Melanie I. Stefan is a computational neurobiologist at the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh. Her research group revolves around using computers to understand learning and memory across different scales: On a small scale, they simulate how molecules inside the brain work together to strengthen connections between neurons. On the large scale, they want to use data from digital educational tools to understand how students learn. Melanie’s background is in Mathematics and Biology, which she studied in her native Austria. She completed her PhD at the European Bioinformatics Institute in Cambridge (UK), and then went on to do post-doctoral work in Japan and the US. She joined the University of Edinburgh in 2015.


13 March 2019, Wednesday

A203, ZJE Building, International Campus


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