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ZJE Biomedical Seminar Series-7


Title: Neisseria gonorrhoeae antimicrobial resistance and development of novel treatments

Speaker: Prof. Stijn van der Veen

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a global threat for public health because of its high incidence and a dwindling of treatment options due to the rise of multidrug resistance. Therefore WHO recently placed this bacterial pathogen on the high priority list for bacteria that urgently require development of novel treatments. The lab of Prof. Stijn van der Veen focuses on antimicrobial resistance and host-microbe interactions, with the aim to define mechanisms that N. gonorrhoeae employs to colonize the human host and cause disease and translate this knowledge to the development of novel vaccines, targets for intervention and development of novel anti-gonococcal compounds.

3:30pm, 22 May 2019, Wednesday
A203, ZJE Building, International Campus

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