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2019 Poster Night


On 16th May, the biomedical students class of 2018 gathered at ZJE Building A203, and spent a joyful and interesting poster night.
Poster night is a special exam for Global Challenge course.

Every group showcased their posters and introduced their great ideas to the visiting students and faculty. Not only students of biomedical science joined the event, biomedical informatics students and many ZJE and UoE faculty also came to join the special night.



As this was the first time for every group to participate in a poster presentation, they gained new experience and instructive feedback from their presentations. Also, students exercised their ability of expression and broadened their horizon in the process of preparing posters and speeches. This is excellent training for a future in academia.



Poster night is not only an exam for students to get a score, it is also a great chance for students to communicate with faculty and classmates. Everyone gains rich academic experience through this activity.