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Biomed-X Research Seminar


Title:Regulation of microtubule organization and dynamics from minus end

Speaker: Dr. Kai Jiang

Dr. Jiang received his PhD in Cell Biology from University of Science& Technology of China and had postdoctoral training at Department of Cell Biology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. In 2017, he started his own research group at Medical Research Institute at Wuhan University. Dr. Jiang’s research interests focus on understanding how microtubule network is shaped by a variety of microtubule associated proteins (MAPs), especially microtubule minus-end binding proteins.  His research strategy is to combine in vitro reconstitution, live cell imaging and biochemical methods of identification of protein complex. Dr. Jiang has published his research in some internationally well-known journals, including Nat Cell Biol, Nat Struct Mol Biol, Dev Cell and Curr Biol et. al.

3:30pm, 18 Dec 2019, Wednesday
A203, ZJE Building, International Campus

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