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Zhejiang University – The University of Edinburgh Institute Undergraduate Programmes for International Students


Zhejiang University – The University of Edinburgh Institute

Undergraduate Programmes for International Students

Integrative Biomedical Sciences/Bioinformatics

Are open to Apply for 2021

I. About ZJU-UoE Institute

The Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE Institute) is a collaboration in the field of Biomedical Sciences between Zhejiang University of China and The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. The two universities established an international research institute at the International Campus of Zhejiang University in Haining, Zhejiang, that builds on the existing strengths of both, and aims to foster collaborations in teaching and research. The Institute provides undergraduate education programmes that produce students with academic excellence, leadership skills, innovative capacity and global vision.


Top-tier Universities in the world

Zhejiang University (ZJU) is one of China's oldest and most prestigious higher education institutions. It is ranked 53rd in the 2020/21 QS world University Rankings.

Founded in 1583, The University of Edinburgh (UoE) has been providing students with world-class teaching for more than 400 years. It is one of the world's top universities, consistently ranked in the world top 50, and placed 20th in the 2020/21 QS World University Rankings. The University of Edinburgh is also ranked 4th in the UK for research power, based on the breadth and quality of its research. 

II. Academic Programmes

The ZJU-UoE Institute offers all English taught undergraduate academic programmes in integrative biomedical sciences and biomedical informatics, and a Dual PhD programme, and plans to expand into other fields of medicine and science as it grows. Successful students receive biomedical science degrees from both UoE and ZJU when their study is completed.

BSc Integrative Biomedical Sciences Overview

Integrative Biomedical Sciences is a multidisciplinary degree programme that provides opportunities to investigate the biomedical sciences in the 21st century. The core structure of the programme provides the knowledge, skills and personal and professional development appropriate to meet the needs of a future career as a leader in biomedical science. The programme provides opportunities to develop skills and knowledge in the biomedical, physcio-chemical and clinical sciences. In addition, in later years focused optional courses provide opportunities to explore the biomedical disciplines of physiology, pharmacology, neuroscience, immunology, reproductive biology, medical microbiology and developmental biology. Integrative Biomedical Sciences is founded on developing skills in academic research and scientific enquiry thereby encouraging awareness and understanding of the research that is needed to continue to advance clinical practice. Alongside a depth of knowledge in Integrative Biomedical Sciences, graduates will have developed a breadth of skills and experience, including interpersonal skills, critical judgement and computer literacy.

BSc Biomedical Informatics Overview

Biomedical informatics encompasses the study of information and computation in biology and health. Researchers in this area create computational tools to manage, share and study information and generate knowledge from biomedical data.

The first year of the programme is an exciting exploration of the application of biomedical informatics, facilitating student development in the key areas of biomedical sciences. The programme will build extensively on the existing BSc Biomedical Sciences courses which students will study together with peers from this programme while introducing new courses in all four years. 

The goal of the programme is to train undergraduate students in the overarching principles of Biomedical Informatics and apply these skills in fundamental biomedical research.

III. Dual Degree

Students admitted to this international degree program are enrolled in both Zhejiang University and the University of Edinburgh.

Students who successfully complete the program and meet the requirements of both universities will receive two bachelor’s degrees in their respective major fields and a graduation certificate of ZJU:

·       Bachelor of Science (Honours) from the University of Edinburgh

·       Bachelor of Science from Zhejiang University

·       Graduation Certificate from Zhejiang University

IV. Location

International Campus of Zhejiang University

718 East Haizhou Rd., Haining, Zhejiang 314400, P.R. China

V. Enrollment, fees and Scholarships

We plan to enroll 20 international students. Scholarships are awarded on an individual basis to outstanding students.


·          Tuition fee: CNY 200,000 per year

·          Accommodation on campus: CNY 8,000 per year

·          International student medical insurance: CNY 800 per year. (Relevant medical insurance items can be found at www.lxbx.net).

·          Living costs: CNY 20,000-40,000 per year (estimated)


The Institute offers three types of scholarship support: Undergraduate Scholarship, Academic Scholarship and Overseas Scholarship.


-Undergraduate Scholarship

There are three rates for tuition fee waivers:

A - 200,000 RMB waiver/year for 4 years (full fee waiver of all tuition fees)

B - 140,000 RMB waiver/year for 4 years (student contribution 60,000 RMB/year)

C - 80,000 RMB waiver/year for 4 years (student contribution 120,000 RMB/year)


Academic Scholarship and Overseas Scholarship will be awarded during University study.


Duration: 4 years (The scholarship will be reviewed and given on the condition that the student meets the requirements for satisfactory progress toward a degree and follows the rules of the ZJU-UoE Institute.)

VI. Deadline for Application

12:00 GMT +8, 15th April, 2020

VII. Eligibility

Required by ZJU registration regulation and Ministry of Education of the PRC, applicants shall be aged at 18-25, non-Chinese passport holders, high school graduates, mentally and physically healthy and must obey by Chinese law and University’s regulations, and respect Chinese culture and habits.

For more detail, please review on ZJU international College: http://iczu.zju.edu.cn/english/redir.php?catalog_id=22210


Minimum academic requirements:



GCE A-level

ABBB   by end of S5 or ABBBB/AABB from S4-S6, with a minimum of BBB achieved in one   year of S4-S6, to include Biology and Chemistry. Mathematics and/or Physics   are recommended. Qualified applicants are advised to take Biology and   Chemistry at Advanced Higher level where possible. National 5: Mathematics at   Grade B. English at Grade C.

Overall   score of 32 points, including HL Biology and Chemistry, one at Grade 5 and   one at Grade 6. Mathematics and/or Physics are recommended. SL: English at   Grade 4 and Mathematics at Grade 4. If you are using English / English   Language at SL as part of the English language requirements, you must obtain   Grade 5.

ABB,   in one sitting, to include Biology and Chemistry. Mathematics and/or Physics   are recommended. GCSEs: Mathematics at Grade B or 6 and English at Grade C or   4..


VIII. Application

Web applications shall be made throughhttp://zje.intl.zju.edu.cn/

Undergraduate students should plan to apply by April 15th, 2021 for full consideration. 

Submit required materials:  

l  Personal Statement in application form

l  2 referees – NOT parents

l  Degree certificate showing highest qualification

l  High school transcripts, scores on recognised tests such as ACT or SAT or IB

l  English Language proficiency

l  And other material indicated on the admissions website

Applications are reviewed based on all factors in the application record.

Demonstrate English proficiency:  

Students whose native language is not English should submit official results of TOEFL or IELTS tests. The Admissions team are seeking students who will be successful in our English-based instructional program.


IX. Admission

Will be determined according to evaluations based on applicants’ competitiveness and interviews.

X. Accommodation

International students at International Campus of Zhejiang University enjoy single room dormitory’s.

XI. Registration

The usual on-campus registration period is late August or early September. The exact time will be specified in the matriculation notice. Students should apply for an X1 visa at a Chinese embassy or consulate. Usually a valid passport, matriculation notice, and JW202 Form are needed for the visa application.


For registration, students should report to International Campus of Zhejiang University at the time specified in the admission letter with the following documents: a valid passport, matriculation notice, JW202 Form and an X1 visa.


High school diplomas are required for students who have submitted pre-graduation certificate. Failure to do so will result into cancellation of admission.

XII. Contact Person


ZJU-UoE Institute

Ms. Hannah Huang

Phone: +86 571 87572813; Email: huangxiaohan@zju.edu.cn


University of Edinburgh

Ms. Natasha Goldie

Email: natasha.goldie@ed.ac.uk


International College, Zhejiang University

Mr. Zusen Cai

Phone: +86 571 88981022; Email: caizusen@zju.edu.cn


Office of Undergraduate Program, International College

Office B125 East 1 Building

866 Yu Hang Tang Road

Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University,

Hangzhou, China

Post code: 310058


For more information, please refer to ZJU International College Homepage http://iczu.zju.edu.cn and ZJU-UoE Institute Homepage http://zje.zju.edu.cn/

2021 ZJE Intl Recuitment Overview.pdf