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Biomed-X Research Seminar


Talk title:

Pyroptosis, inflammation and antitumor immunity



Prof. Feng Shao

Principal Investigator and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, NIBS, Beijing

Member of National Academy of Sciences China


Speaker introduction:

Prof. Feng Shao obtained his B.S. degree from Peking University in 1996, and M.S. degree from Institute of Biophysics in 1999. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from University of Michigan in 2003, followed by post-doc training in UCSD and Harvard Medical School. Prof. Shao established his lab in NIBS since 2005. His lab combines multiple approaches including biochemical reconstitution, cell biology and mouse genetics to identify new components in pathogen-induced inflammasome activation and to further reveal the underlying biochemical mechanism. Prof. Shao has published a serial of papers in Nature, Cell, and Science, laying the foundation for dissecting the precise and complex mechanisms of innate immunity defense for bacterial infection.


Date and Time:

9 April 2021, 10:00-11:00

West Complex Auditorium (西侧组团报告厅)

Host: Dr. Di Chen