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Biomed-X Research Seminar


Dr Vasso Makrantoni

Lecturer in Infection Medicine UoE 


Dr. Vasso Makrantoni  is a Lecturer in Infection Medicine at the University of Edinburgh and holds a joint appointment at the Zhejiang University – University of Edinburgh Institute ( ZJU-UoE). Her research focusses on how human fungal pathogens, in particular Candida albicans, remodel their genome in order to adapt in diverse environmental niches, and acquire antifungal drug resistance. Her lab uses genetics, genomics, live-cell-imaging and biochemistry to understand the molecular mechanisms that control genome remodelling in pathogen-host interaction systems and Candida clinical  isolates. Vasso, obtained her PhD degree from St Andrews University, and carried out postdoctoral work with Prof. Mike Stark at the Wellcome Centre, University of Dundee and Prof. Adele Marston at the Welcome Centre for Cell Biology, Edinburgh. In 2021 she moved to Infection Medicine in Edinburgh to establish her independent research group.


HostDr. KuanYoow Chan

Time: Thursday the 24th February 2022 16:30-17:30
