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In 2012, Zhejiang University set up a Biomedical Sciences discipline, opening “3+1” co-cultivation with The University of Edinburgh. In 2016, Zhejiang University and The University of Edinburgh deepened their cooperation in research and education,established the joint institute: Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE) to start the Biomedical Sciences dual award undergraduate programme, followed by the dual award PhD programme. From 2012 to 2022, we have aimed to cultivate future Biomedical Sciences elite leaders and have cultivated 156 professionals. 

In order to summarise the experience of programme construction, to explore the challenges and opportunities in the new situation, Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute and School of Basic Medical Sciences of Zhejiang University plan to hold the “Cross Evolution, Seeking Truth & Pursuing Innovation Global Biomedical Sciences Forum” on International Campus and Zijinggang Campus, Zhejiang University on 20th-21st May 2022.

Ⅰ. Date

20th -21st May 2022 (CST, BST)

20th May 2022 (PST) 

Ⅱ. Venue

International Campus & Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University

Online (Links will be informed. Please sign up in advance)

Ⅲ. Agenda

1. Opening ceremony 

20th May 14:00-14:30 (CST) 


2. Keynote Address 

20th May 14:30-16:30 (CST) 


Topic 1

The endless flow of ZJU-UoE collaborative  BMS education:  integration,convergence and evolution 

Prof. Hongwei Ouyang

Dean of International Campus, Zhejiang University

 His research focuses on cartilage and tendon regeneration with biomaterials and stem cells. 

Prof. Ouyang was awarded the National Science Fund for Creative Research Group in 2021, and National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars in 2012. And he is also the fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological engineer (AIMBE), the fellow of International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS), the chair of China Society of Tissue engineering and Regenerative Medicine, and the Vice chair of Scientific Committee of National Strategic Program of Biomaterials and Artificial Organ.

He devotes himself to multidisciplinary research and education for musculoskeletal system restoration and regeneration, leading the team to make outstanding progress in the field of regenerative medicine. In the last 10 years, he has initiated and demonstrated the first clinical application of tissue-engineered cartilage transplantation technology and has accelerated the translational research of innovative silk medical implants in China. Furthermore, he is ranked as one of the most cited Chinese researchers by Elsevier during 2015-2021.Based on these works, he has formulated 2 National pharmaceutical industry standards. And because of his achievements, Prof. Ouyang received the first prize on “the Science and Technology Progress Award (2012)” and the first prize on “the Technology Invention Awards (2019)” of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and the first prize on “the Natural Science Awards (2019)” of Zhejiang Province.

Topic 2

Chemical reprogramming of human somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells

Prof. Hongkui Deng

Director of Peking University Stem Cell Research Center

Professor Hongkui Deng obtained his PhD degree at University of California, Los Angeles. From 2010 to 2016, he was elected as a member of the Council of the international society for stem cell biology (ISSCR), and currently serves as the editorial board of Cell, Cell Stem Cell and other scientific journals. He is Peking University Boya Chair Professor, Distinguished Professor. Member of Tsinghua Peking University Life Science Joint Center. More than 100 papers have been published in Nature, Science, Cell, Cell Stem Cell and other journals, and the papers have been cited more than 10000 times. He has made many pioneering contributions in the field of stem cell research, especially in the field of cell fate transformation induced by small molecular compounds, and has made a series of pioneering work in the world.

Topic 3

Decoding the developing human immune system

Prof. Muzlifah Haniffa

Trust Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science, Lister Institute Prize Fellow, Newcastle University.

Professor Muzlifah Haniffa is a dermatologist pioneering the applications of single cell genomics technologies to understand tissue homeostasis, immunity and disease pathogenesis.  A major research goal of her laboratory is to decode the development and functional maturation of the human immune system.  

Prof. Haniffa was elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2020. Her work has been recognised by a number of awards including the Foulkes Foundation Medal (2019), ACTERIA Prize awarded by the European Federation of Immunological Societies (2018), Lister Institute Research Prize (2016), European Society for Dermatology Research LEO Pharma Research Foundation Silver Award (2013), British Society for Investigative Dermatology Young Investigator Award (2012) and so on.  She was a previous recipient of a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellowship and an Action Medical Research Training Fellowship.

Topic 4

Evolutionary and developmental constrains of social caste division in ants

Prof. Guojie Zhang

Qiushi Chair Professor, Zhejiang University

Professor Guojie Zhang received his PhD degree at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. He started his tenure-track Assistant Professor position at University of Copenhagen in 2015. He was promoted to both Associate Professor and Full Professor in 2017. From 2022, Guojie Zhang joined Zhejiang University(ZJU) as a Chair Professor. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Copenhagen. He is currently the director of Centre for Evolutionary Biology at ZJU.

The major research interests of his group are in biodiversity genomics and genome evolution, driven by fascination of the enormous phylogenetic diversity of organisms and their extraordinary variation in morphology, physiology, and behavior. Prof. Zhang’s research programs address fundamental questions about the origin of species, including human evolution, using interdisciplinary approaches. His works have revealed molecular mechanisms underlying speciation and adaptation for a broad spectrum of animal taxa. 

3. Sub-Session

Biomedical Sciences Research Session

Experts and scholars all around the world are invited to discuss the latest research progress of biomedical sciences, so as to promote close cooperation between scholars and students, make continuous progress and jointly explore the mysteries of biomedical field.


18:00-21:00, 20th May CST(11:00-14:00, 20th May BST)

Transnational Higher Education & Biomedical Sciences Education Session

Global universities are invited to discuss the experience and practice of biomedical transnational education, share the approaches and methods to promote biomedical programme in new era, and jointly improve the quality of programme.


18:00-21:00, 20th May CST(11:00-14:00, 20th May BST)

Biomedical Sciences Industry Session

Biomedical enterprises and local governments are invited to discuss the current industrial development bottle neck question, analyse the industry's demand for biomedical talents, and discuss the role of government, industry and universities in biomedical talent training.


8:00-11:00, 21st May CST(20:00-23:00  20th May EST;17:00-20:00 20th May PST)

Biomedical Sciences Young Scholars Session

Outstanding biomedical graduates from ZJU and world-wide biomedical young scholars are invited to share their latest research progress,  take a deep dive into the frontiers in academia, and exchange their views on career development in biomedical field.


8:00-11:00, 21st May CST(20:00-23:00  20th May EST;17:00-20:00 20th May PST)

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