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10th Anniversary of BMS Collaboration Between ZJU and UoE & BMS Forum


20th May, 2022, 10th Anniversary of BMS Collaboration Between ZJU and UoE & BMS Forum was held in international campus, ZJU. Nearly 30 experts, scholars and industry elites from 21 world-class universities shared the latest research progress, teaching trends and industrial thinking in the biomedical field, and discussed the opportunities, challenges and responses faced by biomedicine under the new situation.


Bingchen Yan, deputy director of the Department of international cooperation and exchanges of the Ministry of education, delivered a speech online. Zhaohui Wu, President of Zhejiang University and Peter Mathieson, President of the University of Edinburgh delivered video speeches to congratulate the anniversary. Vice President of ZJU, Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of International Campus,ZJU Lianzhen He presided over the opening ceremony.


Dean of International Campus, ZJU Prof. Hongwei Ouyang, Director of Peking University Stem Cell Research Center Prof.Hongkui Deng, Newcastle University Prof.Muzlifah Haniffa, Zhejiang University Prof.Guojie Zhang gave keynote speeches on the main forum. Biomedical Sciences Research Session, Translational Higher Education & Biomedical Sciences Education Session, Biomedical Sciences Industry Session and Biomedical Sciences Young Scholars Session were attended by nearly 30 experts and scholars from first-class universities and scientific research institutions. This activity was carried out in a combination of offline + online mode, and was open to the public through the live broadcast platform, attracting nearly 14000 online viewers.


