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Host-microbial interactions and lipid metabolism


Talk title:Host-microbial interactions and lipid metabolism


Yuhao Wang

PI , Doctoral supervisor

Institute of Translational Medicine, School of Medicine, ZJU

Introduction:Dr. Yuhao Wang received his Ph.D degree and completed his postdoctoral research from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. In 2020, he was named National High-level Young Scholar and Zhejiang University “Hundred Talents Program” Scholar. In the same year, he started his own group in the Institute of Translational Medicine at Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Dr. Wang’s research interest is to explore the interactions between host and intestinal microbiota, especially focusing on understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which the microbiota regulates host lipid metabolism. His research achievements include the finding of microbiota regulation of lipid metabolism through the circadian clock machinery, and the discovery of transcription factor NFIL3 as an essential host factor by which connects the microbiota and metabolism, etc. These findings were published in scientific journals such as Science, PNAS and eLife. One of these publications was awarded as “Top Gut Microbiota Paper of The Year” by the American Gastroenterological Association.


Date and Time : 26 May 2022, 15:30-16:30

Room A203-1, ZJE building

Host:Dr. Wang Chaochen