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Systems Virology and Immunology


Systems Virology and Immunology

Prof. Ren Sun

Chair professor and Director of Center for Infectious Disease Research.

School of Life Sciences, Westlake University.

Professor Ren Sun takes systems biology approaches to address critical interactions between virus and host. His lab has integrated genomics, proteomics, structural biology to characterize biological processes at both population and single virus/cell levels. His team has developed a method that can generate functional maps of entire viral genomes at single nucleotide resolution. It lays the foundation for comprehensively defining virus-host interactions, and enables engineering virus for rational vaccine design. The approach was demonstrated with influenza virus in vitro and in vivo: when the immune-evasion functions were systematically identified and removed from the viral genome, the engineered viruses became more immunogenic than the wild type, but severely attenuated in vivo. Thereby, it can be a general rational approach to develop therapeutic or prophylactic vaccine for many pathogens. His team is also developing high-throughput technology platforms to map epitope-specific antibody responses, to systematically define the immunome of hosts post infection or vaccination. These technology platforms will be also applied to studies on allergy, auto-immune diseases and neuroimmunology.


Date and Time: 12 Oct. 2022, 15:30-16:30

Room A203-1, ZJE building

Host:Dr. Liu Wanlu