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Light sheet microscopy: push live imaging gently.


Light sheet microscopy: push live imaging gently.

Dr. Min Guo

College of Optical Science and Engineering, ZJU

Dr. Min Guo is a tenure-track professor (100-Talent Investigator) at Zhejiang University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Instrument and Meter Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2016. He joined the National Institutes of Health as a Postdoc Fellow in 2016 and then as a Biomedical Scientist in 2019 before he returned to Zhejiang University in 2022. His research interests focus on high temporal-spatial resolution fluorescence microscopy including structured illumination microscopy, light sheet microscopy, and microscopic image analysis. He has developed several cutting-edge imaging techniques adopted in biomedical research by more than 20 labs across the world, and published ~ 20 papers in Journals such as Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods etc. He also won the NIBIB’s Xiuwen Wang Memorial Award in 2019 and the Microscopy Today Innovation Award in 2020.


Date and Time: 16 Nov. 2022, 15:30-16:30

Room A203-1, ZJE building

Host:Dr. James Wang