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Executive Dean of ZJE Professor Sue Welburn visits four UK-China Joint Institutes in Hainan


Professor Sue Welburn, the Executive Dean of ZJE (Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute), recently visited four UK-China Joint Institutes in Hainan Province on April 25 and 26, 2023. These institutes included Glasgow College Hainan of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Queen Mary School Hainan of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Coventry College of Communication University of China (CUC), and the UWE College of Hainan Medical University in Haikou.


During her visit, Professor Sue Welburn engaged in discussions with senior members and staff of the three joint institutes located in Lingshui Li'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone. These discussions included Professor Guanghui Liu and Yinghua Wang, Dean and Deputy Dean of Glasgow College Hainan UESTC; Mr. Bowen Wang, Deputy Dean of Queen Mary School Hainan BUPT; and Mr. Jirong Zhang and Jingyi Liu, Party Secretary and Deputy Dean of Coventry College CUC. The discussions covered the progression and development roadmaps of the joint institutes, as well as infrastructure development plans in the Lingshui pilot zone. Professor Welburn also had the opportunity to visit teaching and laboratory buildings and other facilities in the pilot zone.


Caption: Caption: Professor Sue Welburn in meeting with Glasgow College Hainan UESTC (25 April 2023)


As the UK Co-Convenor of the UK-China Joint Institute Alliance, Professor Welburn welcomed the three new members who joined the Alliance since 2021. She shared the operational experience of undergraduate teaching deliveries and postgraduate research engagements at ZJE and emphasised the importance of managing complexity in these joint partnerships. Professor Welburn highlighted the shared complex issues of governance and quality assured teaching delivery faced by all members. She encouraged active engagement in joint research and capacity-building activities, fostering learning from one another to promote the quality of UK-China Transnational Education (TNE) and elevate Joint Institute partnerships in international TNE.


Caption: Professor Sue Welburn in meeting with Queen Mary School Hainan BUPT (25 April 2023)


Being an alumnus of the University of West of England (UWE), Professor Sue Welburn expressed her congratulations on the establishment of the UWE College of Hainan Medical University. She was briefed by Party Secretary Guoguo Li, Deputy Party Secretary Fangfang Xu, and Deputy Dean Jindong Ding on the development of teaching arrangements and the construction of teaching laboratories for nursing, rehabilitation, and other subject areas. During her visit, Professor Welburn also had the opportunity to experience the practice of simulated minimally invasive surgery in the teaching lab.


The visit deepened ZJE's engagement and exchange with other UK-China Joint Institutes. All members valued the opportunity to learn from one another, benefiting from best practices and insights in teaching, administration, management, and student experience in UK-China TNE. They expressed their appreciation for the Alliance's platform, which facilitates exploration, discussion, research, and resolution of issues arising from these complex partnerships. The Alliance also provides support for quality assurance and innovation in sustainable TNE delivery, ensuring a high-quality student experience and nurturing global talents in UK-China TNE.


Caption: Prof Sue Welburn visits the UWE College at Hainan Medical University (26 April 2023)