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Balanced Between Order and Disorder: A Prospering New Phase in Transcription Regulation


Talk Title:Balanced Between Order and Disorder: A Prospering New Phase in Transcription Regulation

Speaker  :Dr.Huasong Lu   

Speaker’s Position:Principal Investigator 

Institution:Life Sciences Institute, Zhejiang University


Speaker’s Introduction   

Dr. Huasong Lu is a Principal Investigator at the Life Sciences Institute of Zhejiang University. The primary research focus of his group is to understand the regulation of gene expression at the molecular level, with a particular interest in elucidating the mechanisms underlying transcriptional elongation control and how its deregulation leads to human diseases. The main achievements from his research are: (i) demonstrating the phase separation mechanism for Pol II CTD hyperphosphorylation and transcription elongation activation; (ii) providing evidence to elucidate the functional significance of Super Elongation Complex (SEC) in HIV transcription; (iii) developing novel inhibitor targeting CDK9 for cancer treatment. The results of his work have been published in high-profile journals such as Nature, Nature Cell Biology, PNAS, etc. Dr. Lu’s research is supported by the Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He also served as the referee for scientific journals, including Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Nature Chemical Biology, Nuclear Acid Research, etc.


Date and Time

26th May 2023 (Wednesday)

15:30-16:30 Seminar, A203-1, ZJE Building

16:30-18:00 Academic Consultation


Host:CIIC – Prof. Jian Liu