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Biomed-X Laboratory of Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute is awarded the University-Institute Joint Laboratory of Innovation and Entrepreneurship


On 16th January, 2024, the Zhejiang University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Work Summary and Exchange Meeting was held at the Qiu Shi Lecture Hall in Zijingang campus. The meeting summarized the innovation and entrepreneurship education work of Zhejiang University for 2023, and awarded the third batch of the Education Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ZJU and the University-Institute Joint Laboratory of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2023. CHEN Di, the Executive Director of the ZJE Biomed-X Laboratory, attended the meeting on behalf of the laboratory to accept the award.


The Biomed-X Laboratory was established in August 2022, with the aim of fostering innovation and entrepreneurship teams and promoting interdisciplinary integration. Since its establishment, the laboratory has provided space and equipments to support students in conducting experiments, hosting seminars, and building teams. It has also provided academic, technical, and competition guidance through organizing special lectures, theme exchange and sharing meetings, etc. Biomed-X Laboratory has been supporting students to carry out scientific research and stimulating domestic and international competitions.


Being awarded is not only a recognition of the achievement by Biomed-X Laboratory, but also a motivation for the future breakthrough. The laboratory will summarize the past and make the future by promoting hardware and software construction, opening up more laboratory space, enriching cultivation methods, focusing on team building, stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship passion through competitions, strengthening the in-depth integration with undergraduate education, and fully leveraging the advantages of ZJE's integrated East-West talent cultivation model.



At the meeting, ZHU Hui, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University, delivered a speech and deployed the work focus for 2024 from four aspects: improving the education system, serving the major strategic layout, building a service guarantee platform, and promoting the combination of industry, academia, and research. RUAN Junhua, the Executive Vice Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ZJU, presented the annual work report. XIE Xiaoyun, the Vice Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ZJU and Executive Vice Dean of the School of Management, ZJU, delivered a speech. The representatives of Education Center and University-Institute Joint Laboratory, and student representatives gave presentations to share their work and experiences.