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University Visit | Exploring Westlake University


On May 8th, a group of 40 faculty members and students from the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE) visited Westlake University's Yungu Campus to participate in an open day event organized by the School of Life Sciences.

We envision that, in ten or twenty years, Westlake University stands in Hangzhou, Zhejiang as a world-renowned institution of higher education that is founded and well-integrated in China. Here, Westlake University hosts some of the most outstanding scientists in the world, nurtures the best young talent, engages them in cutting-edge basic and applied research, searches for the optimal organization and practice for research and education most suitable for China, and serves as a powerful driving force to promote sustainable high-tech development, and ultimately contributes to the world civilization in ways that are worthy of the Chinese nation!

Yigong Shi, President of Westlake University



Westlake University, located in the picturesque city of Hangzhou, is a new type of research university, a first in the history of modern China. It is both supported by public and private funding and a vanguard in the reform of the higher education system in China. With its predecessor Westlake Institute for Advanced Study established in 2016, Westlake University is striving to cultivate top talent, to make breakthroughs in basic research and innovation in cutting-edge technologies, and to foster human development through science and technology.



This school visit provided an opportunity for faculty and students to engage in intercollegiate exchanges, experience different campus cultures, discuss academic frontiers, and broaden their perspectives for further academic development.