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The Second Zijuan Youth Scholars Forum Successfully Completed


On June 4, 2024, the second Zijuan Youth Scholars Forum was successfully held at the East Hall of Building 2C of the International Campus. The forum was organized by the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE), co-organized by the Liangzhu Laboratory and the Peak Discipline Project of the School of Basic Medical Sciences of Zhejiang University. More than 120 faculty and students from the three institutions participated in the forum, engaging in in-depth discussions on various hot topics in the field of omics and diseases. Dr. XU Suhong, Vice Dean of ZJE, attended the forum and delivered the opening speech. Dr. CHEN Di and Dr. WANG Chaochen from ZJE, as well as Dr. SHEN Ning from the Liangzhu Laboratory, co-chaired the academic exchange session.

Professor Francis Kaming Chan and 10 other teachers from the Liangzhu Laboratory, as well as 8 teachers including LIU Wanlu from ZJE, presented exciting research results on the theme of omics and diseases, introducing the team's research directions and important achievements. Attendees engaged in active academic discussions on topics such as how cell death drives inflammatory responses in diseases, advances in lung cancer mechanisms research and multi-omics analysis applications, a deep learning framework algorithm for disease-related human T cell receptor characteristics and the new role of the nuclear pore complex in human diseases, creating a lively academic atmosphere.

The Zijuan Youth Scholars Forum is a brand academic event established by ZJE to promote exchanges of outstanding young medical talents between ZJE and various departments and institutes within the university, strengthen the harmonious development of young faculty and postgraduate students and build a platform for academic activities. This forum, as the second grand event of this brand activity, aims to better integrate ZJE faculty into the fast lane of medical and life science development at Zhejiang University, looks forward to injecting new momentum into the exploration of application prospects and potential in the field of biomedicine.